as of August 12, 2021
The safety of our skaters is of the utmost of importance. Please follow these guidelines to help keep our skaters safe.
All Skaters, Parents/Guardians
* if you have any signs or symptoms please stay home.
- fever of 38.7 or higher
- new or worsening cough or shortness of breath
- runny, stuffy or congested nose that is not related to allergies
- sore throat, difficulty swallowing, lost sense of taste or smell
- have you traveled or been in close contact without the proper use of PPE with someone that
has traveled outside of Canada in the last 14 days
- have you been in close contact without the proper use of PPE with someone that has an active
respiratory illness or active/probable case of COVID-19
* masks must be worn in the arena facility at all times. Skaters may remove their masks once they are on
the ice
* entry into the arena will be the front entrance and exit will be through the door at the south end of the
arena by dressing rooms 5 and 6.
* entry will be permitted no sooner than 15 minutes prior to your session time. Skaters must exit the
building within 10 minutes of the completion of the session.
* only 1 parent/guardian per family is permitted into the facility.
* the first night of skating all skaters must fill out the Skate Ontario Waiver. This waiver will be kept in our
files for the season.
* please try to maintain social distancing at all times. We will make every attempt to do so on all of our
sessions as well.
* the upstairs lobby/viewing area is closed.
* a dressing room will be provided however it is encouraged to have skaters enter the rink with skates on.
* entry through the main entrance is available no sooner than 15 minutes prior to the session.
* please wear masks until ready to step on the ice.
* all skaters must wear a CSA approved helmet (not a bike or winter sports helmet).
* if your skater wears a mouth guard for hockey, please do not wear it while on our sessions.
* all skaters will verbally complete a daily tracking Health Screening Questionnaire that will be used for
contact tracing should it be required by Public Health.
* all mitts (please do not wear hockey gloves) must be washed between sessions. Also wipe down helmets
and clothing that cannot be washed frequently (winter clothing) with a sanitizing wipe.
* 2 dressing rooms will be provided to put on skates only. Please come to the arena dressed in appropriate
skating attire.
* entry through the main entrance is available no sooner than 15 minutes prior to the session. Skaters must
exit the building within 10 minutes of the completion of the session.
* please wear a mask until ready to step on the ice.
* a table will be provided where you can place your guards, mask, water bottle, tissue box (bring seal-able
bag to take used tissues home). Skaters will not be permitted to place items on the boards and there
is no access to the benches.
* all skaters will verbally complete a daily tracking Health Screening Questionnaire that will be used for
contact tracing should it be required by Public Health.
* all mitts and skating clothing must be washed between sessions. If you are helping with CANSkate you
must have a new pair of mitts for your own session. Also wipe down skate bag with a sanitizing wipe
after each session.
* only Coaches will be permitted to use the music system which will be sanitized after each session